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Monday, September 8, 2014

Our Lady around the Villa

Today is the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Yes, it's Mary's birthday . . . and like Fr. Larry said this morning at Mass "I am not going to tell you how old she is , but about how great she was . . ." We get to celebrate this day with a special meal and maybe even a birthday cake. But of course it got me thinking about everyday around our homestead with Our Lady. So in honor of Jesus and His Mother I present this simple little post as a birthday gift.

Photos of Our Lady around Sanctae Familiae Villa

Our Lady welcomes us, guests and morning glories!
Mary is the garden. The Holy Spirit dropped a seed into Mary in a spiritual manner. The seed grew into the flower that is Christ. 

Even in a room with construction and rubble
Our Lady of Lourdes
finds a place to remind us of Christ.
Our Lady of Sorrows image displayed
 next to an image of The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

My daughter cleaning and caring for
a statue that is displayed in the
heart of our home. 
Our peacock even gives homage
to Our Lady by giving us
his feathers to decorate her.

A light in the dark.

1 comment:

  1. I love how Our Lady is honored around your home. Happy feast day!
