I have had a request for this post. What is the Jesse Tree? And how do you do it? Can I still do it even though it started Dec 1? Of course. Today is day 4 of our Jesse Tree and if you don't mind playing catch up I don't see a problem. The Jesse Tree apparently started in medieval times. I can not pin point the exact location or official start of this tradition. But it comes from the bible verse in Isaiah 11:1 there shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse.
The Jesse Tree follows the ancestry of Jesus from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Each day or evening in whatever time is best for your family. You read from the bible and place an ornament that symbolizes that reading. By the time Christmas comes around you have walked a biblical path and will have many cute ornaments on your Jesse Tree.
My children are older so we are reading from the regular Bible but you can use a Children's Bible for younger children. |
I have a list of readings and the symbol that represents that reading. But there are also some variations . . . you too can create your own symbols that are meaningful to you and your family.
Some readings are grouped together to be sure to include all the readings within the days. You may have to adjust each year accordingly.
Day 1 - Creation - Sun or Earth - Genesis 1, 2:1-4
Making the ornaments is so much fun for all of us. |
Day 3 - Original Sin - Apple - Genesis 3:1-24
Day 4 - Noah and the Flood - Rainbow - Genesis 6:5-22, 7, 8, 9:1-17
Day 5 - Abraham - Stars - Genesis 12:1-9, 15: 1-6
Day 5 - Jacob's Dream - Ladder - Genesis 28:10-22
Day 6 - Joseph and His Brothers - Coat - Genesis 37
Day 6 - Joseph's Greatness - Shock of Wheat - Genesis 41
Day 7 - Moses (Prince) - Basket - Exodus 1, 2
Day 7 - Moses (Burning Bush) - Burning Bush - Exodus 2:23-25, 3
Day 8 - Moses (Plagues) - Frog - Exodus 5 through 12:1-36
Day 8 - Moses (Parting Sea) - Parted Sea - Exodus 13:17-22, 14
Day 9 - Moses (Ten Commandments) - Tablets - Exodus 19, 20, 24:12-18
Day 10 - Moses (Water from Rock) - Staff - Exodus 19, 20, 24:12-18
Day 12 - David Chosen King - Sheep - 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Day 13 - David and Goliath - Slingshot - 1 Samuel 17
Day 14 - Solomon's Wisdom -Crown - 1 Kings 2:1-6, 3:4-28
Day 15 - Elijah's Contest - Burning Rock - 1 Kings 18:3, 21-39
Day 16 - Jonah and the Whale - Whale - Jonah
Day 17 - Tobiah's Journey - Fish - Tobit 5, 6:1-9, 10:1-6, 11:1-15
Day 18 - Daniel and the Lion's Den - Lion - Daniel 6:1-29
Day 19 - John the Baptist - Sandal - Luke 1:5-25,57-80
Day 20 - Annunciation - Angel - Luke 1:26-38
Day 21 - Visitation - Mary - Luke 1:39-56
Day 22 - Joseph - Joseph - Matthew 1:18-25
Day 23 - Journey to Bethlehem - Manger - Luke 2:1-6
Day 24 - Jesus is Born - Baby Jesus - Luke 2:6-20
Day 25 - Visit of the Magi - Star - Matthew 2:1-12
Love it!! Thank you for posting this! I need Visuals